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博士,博导,深圳大学特聘教授IET Fellow



射频异质异构集成全国重点实验室 常务副主任

电子与信息工程学院 执行院长

深圳大学创新技术研究院 院长





单位:深圳大学 电子与信息工程学院


电话:  13802553191

Email: lhuang@szu.edu.cn 


2000  2005 西安电子科技大学,雷达信号处理国家重点实验室,博士(提前攻博

1996  2000 西安电子科技大学,电子仪器及测量技术,学士


2014 现在  深圳大学,电子与信息工程学院,特聘教授、博导

2011 — 2014  哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),电子与信息工程学院,博导教授

2008 — 2010  北京理工大学,信息与电子学院,副教授

2006 — 2008  深圳大学信息工程学院,讲师、副教授

2005 — 2006  美国杜克大学,电子工程系,博士后






2023 国家级一流本科课程负责人


2021 国家级重大项目(原973)首席科学家

2019 国家杰出青年基金获得者

2018 英国工程技术学会会士(IET Fellow

2020 中国电子学会技术发明一等奖(排名2

2015 教育部自然科学二等奖(排名1

2021 深圳市自然科学二等奖(排名1

2012 国家优秀青年基金获得者(首届)

2009 教育部新世纪优秀人才

2018 广东省特支计划领军人才

2022 中国电子学会先进科技工作者


2012 哈工大杰出人才跃升计划

2012 深圳市孔雀计划人才B

2011 深圳市孔雀计划人才C

2011 深圳市地方级领军人才

2008 北京理工大学 百人计划

2022 ICICSP国际通信信号处理会议最佳论文奖

2009 IET国际雷达会议优秀论文奖

2016 CIE国际雷达会议优秀论文奖

2016 IEEE DSP国际会议最佳论文奖

2008 广东省千百十工程人才



2017 第七届大学生集成电路设计应用创新大赛-优秀指导教师奖






2018 “兆易创新杯”第十三届中国研究生电子设计竞赛全国总结赛团队一等奖(优秀指导教师奖)

2019 “兆易创新杯” 第十四届中国研究生电子设计竞赛华南分赛区团队一等奖(优秀指导教师奖)


2019.4-2023.4 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 资深领域副主编 SAE

2015.3-2019.3 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 副主编AE

2016.10-2022.9 IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel (SAM) Technical Committee委员

2017-至今 IET Signal Processing编委

2012-2020 Digital Signal Processing (Elsevier) 编委

2023-至今 深圳市电子学会副理事长

2016-至今 中国电子学会雷达分会委员

2019-至今 思源人工智能联盟理事

2014-至今 IEEE Senior Member



2021-至今 国家自然科学重点基金会评专家

2021-至今 国家科技部重点研发计划项目会评专家

2007-至今 中国电子学会高级会员


[1]. 国家级重大(原973)计划项目: 首席科学家No. SZDX2021-027-ZM),2022.1-2025.12750+1500万元(另配套:184万元),在研(主持)

[2]. 国家杰出青年基金项目:鲁棒阵列信号处理(No. 61925108),2020.1-2024.12400万元在研(主持)

[3]. 深圳市孔雀团队项目:单比特雷达成像及芯片设计(No. KQTD20210811090051046),2022.1-2026.121500万元,在研(主持)

[4]. 国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目: 智能反射面辅助的通--算一体化方法 (No. 62220106009)2023.1-2027.12258万元,在研(主持)

[5]. 国家级创新项目,2023.1-2023.12300万元,在研(主持)

[6]. 国家优秀青年基金项目(首届)阵列信号处理,多维信号处理,信源数检测(No. 61222106),2013.1-2015.12100万元结题(主持)

[7]. 国家自然科学基金重点项目: 复杂环境下服务机器人听觉系统与语音信号处理技术(No. U1713217)2018.1-2021.12360万元,结题(主持)

[8]. 国家自然科学基金重点项目: 大范围复杂动态场景安保机器人自主导航方法研究(No. U1913203)2020.1-2023.12275万元,在研(排名2

[9]. 国家级创新项目,2022.1-2024.12200万元,在研(排名2

[10]. 国家自然科学基金重点项目面向智慧城市的水资源多元数据融合与建模方法研究(No.U1501253)2016.1-2019.12271万元结题(排名2

[11]. 国家自然科学(香港)联合基金项目:多输入多输出雷达目标个数检测与定位的先进信号处理NSFC-RGC联合基金No. 61161160564),2012.1-2014.1246万元(港方100万港元)结题(主持)

[12]. 国家自然科学面上基金项目适用于非均匀噪声的宽带欠定阵列信号处理(No. 61171187),2012.1-2015.1260万元结题(主持)

[13]. 国家自然科学青年基金项目:快时变信道中快速信源数检测及DOA估计方法研究,(No. 60702068),2008. 1-2010. 1222万元结题(主持)

[14]. 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目:未知噪声场中快速精确鲁棒的信号源检测与定位方法研究No. NCET-09-00392010.1-2012.1250万元结题(主持)

[15]. 广东省“特支计划”领军人才项目基于张量结构的阵列信号处理方法研究No. 201710352018.1-2020.1280万元结题(主持)

[16]. 广东省普通高校创新团队项目:协同感知与智能解译创新团队(No. 2021KCXTD008),2022.1-2024.1230万元,在研(主持)

[17]. 广东省自然科学基金重点项目多天线多载波系统中的稳健频谱感知算法研究No. 2015A0303110302015.8-2018.830万元,结题(主持)

[18]. 深圳大学2035计划B类项目:单比特航拍雷达及芯片设计,2023.1-2025.12450万元,在研(主持)

[19]. 哈尔滨工业大学杰出人才跃升计划:多维信号处理(No. JB29100019)2012.1-2014.12100万元结题(主持)

[20]. 深圳市海外高层次人才创新创业基金宽带认知无线网络的关键技术研究及验证系统开发(No. KQC201109020061A)2012. 1-2014. 12160万元结题(主持)

[21]. 深圳市高端人才引进基金:多维自适应抗干扰技术研究,2015. 1-2017. 12500万元结题(主持)(No.000060)

[22]. 深圳市创新平台组建基金:深圳市先进导航技术重点实验室,2015.9-2017.8300万元,结题(主持) (No. ZDSYS201507081625213)

[23]. 深圳市南山区创新机构组建基金:深圳市南山区北斗导航与位置服务重点实验室,2015.12.16-2017.12.31200万元,结题(主持)(No. KC2015ZDYF0023A)

[24]. 深圳大学龙岗创新研究院初创企业启动基金,先进导航技术研发基地, 2017.4.1-2020.3.2993.9万元,结题(主持)(No. 2017110276FNZ7NFE3H3

[25]. 华为海思横向项目:无人驾驶系统的智能感知与雷达成像技术,2019.10-2020.1087万元,在研(主持)

[26]. 中国电科38所横向项目:成像雷达单比特压缩采样与重构技术研究,60万元,2019.11-2020.8,在研(主持)

[27]. 中国航天科技集团704所横向项目:基于1比特稀疏采样重构的信号处理技术研究,20万元,2017.12-2019.6,结题(主持)

[28]. 学科交叉融合联合培养学术型硕士研究生项目“信息与通信工程”与“测绘科学与技术”学科交叉育人平台,15万元,2020.07-2023.06,在研(主持)

[29]. 国家级创新项目,机器人技术论证,2021.01-2021.1250万,在研(主持)


(I) 国际期刊论文:*表示通讯作者)

发表国际期刊论文170,其中,IEEE汇刊论文120篇,论文被引5578次,SCI他引约2000,团队ESI高被引论文2篇,2次入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单以第一作者/通讯作者发表信号处理顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing论文25篇。

[1] X. Dong, G. Wang, K.C. Ho and L. Huang, “Rigid Body Localization in Unsynchronized TOA Sensor Networks,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

[2] Z. Chen, J. Tang, L. Huang, Z.-Q. He, K.-K. Wong and J. Wang, “Robust Target Positioning for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted MIMO Radar Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3284454, pp. 1-6, 2023.

[3] X. Zhao, Y. Yang, and L. Huang, “A 3.02 pJ/Bit 3T-APS-Based In-Sensor Strong PUF Featuring Near-100% Hardware Reuse Ratio and High Resilience to Machine Learning Attacks,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs.

[4] N. Xie, P. Zhang and L. Huang, “Physical Layer Authentication in Spatial Modulation,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications.

[5] Q. Li, L. Huang, W. Liu, X. Chen and L. Feng, “Cold-Start Satellite Signal Acquisition Aided by an Antenna Array in the Presence of Outliers,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 5847-5861, May 2023.

[6] S. Liu, B. Zhao, L. Huang, B. Li and W. Bao, “Lightweight SAR: A Two-Bit Strategy,” Remote Sensing, vol. 15, no. 2, DOI: 10.3390/rs15020310, 2023

[7] L. Wang, C. Zhao, L. Huang and P. T. Mathiopoulos, “Photoplethysmography-Based Heart Action Monitoring Using a Growing Multi-Layer Network,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 3756-3765, Feb. 2023.

[8] L. Feng, L. Huang, Q. Li and M. Chen, “Deterministic beamforming for unmanned aerial vehicle array,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

[9] L. Feng, Q. Li, L. Huang, Z. He, M. Chen, “An off-grid iterative reweighted approach to one-bit direction of arrival estimation,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

[10] G. Wang, J. Pei, K.C. Ho and L. Huang, “Reducing bias for multistatic localization of a moving object by transmitter at unknown position,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic and Systems.

[11] W. Wang, G. Wang, K.C. Ho and L. Huang, “Robust TDOA localization based on maximum correntropy criterion with variable center,” Signal Processing, vol. 205, Apr. 2023.

[12] S. Liu, B. Zhao, L. Huang, B. Li, and W. Bao, A super resolution target separation and reconstruction approach for single channel SAR against deceptive jamming, Elsevier-Defence Technology, vol. 21, pp. 164-175, Mar. 2023.

[13] X. Chen, L. Huang*, Q. Li, H. Zhou, K.-B. Yu, and W. Yu, One-Bit Digital Beamforming, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace Electronics and Systems, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 555-567, Feb. 2023.

[14] C. Kuai, B. Zhao, S. Liu and L. Huang, “Velocity Estimation for Vehicle-mounted SAR Based on Deep Learning Framework,” IEEE Sensors Journal., vol. 22, no. 23, pp. 22952-22962, Jan. 2023.

[15] L. Chen, G. Chen, W. Sun and L. Huang, Broadband Sound Source Localization via Non-synchronous Measurements for Service Robots: A Tensor Completion Approach, to appear in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 516, Jan. 2023

[16] N. Xie, W. Wang, Y. Chen, P. Zhang, and L. Huang*, “Confidentiality-Preserving Edge-Based Wireless Communications for Contact Tracing Systems,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications., vol. 40, no. 11, pp. 3152-3171, Nov. 2022.

[17] N. Xie, W. Xiong, J. Chen, M. Sha, T. Hu, P. Zhang, L. Huang*, and D. Niyato, Physical Layer Authentication with High Compatibility Using an Encoding Approach, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications., vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 8270-8285, Dec. 2022

[18] N. Xie, W. Xiong, J. Chen, P. Zhang, L. Huang* and Jian Su, “Multiple phase noises physical-layer authentication,IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 9, pp. 6196-6211, Sep. 2022.

[19] S. Chen, J. Zhou, W. Sun, L. Huang, Joint matrix decomposition for deep convolutional neural networks compression, Neurocomputing, vol. 516, pp. 11-26, Jan. 2023

[20] A. Salem, E. M. Rihan, L. Huang, and A. Diab, “Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Hybrid Access Vehicular Communication: NOMA or OMA Contributes The Most?” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 19, pp. 18854-18866, Oct. 2022.

[21] Y.H. Xiao, D. Ram´ırez, P. J. Schreier, C. Qian, and L. Huang*, “One-Bit Target Detection in Collocated MIMO Radar and Performance Degradation Analysis,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 9363 – 9374, May 2022.

[22] X. He and L. Huang*, “Transceiver Coexistence Design of MIMO Radar and MIMO Communication Under Gaussian Model Uncertainty, IET Signal Processing, vol. 16, pp. 838-850, 2022.

[23] S. Liu, B. Zhao, L. Huang, B. Li and Y. Wu, Target reconstruction against deceptive jamming for single-channel SAR: An imagery domain approach, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 19, pp. 1-5, Feb. 2022.

[24] K. Wang, G. Liao, J. Xu, Y. Zhang, and L. Huang, “Clutter Rank Analysis in Airborne FDA-MIMO Radar with Range Ambiguity, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace Electronics and Systems, vol.58, no. 2, pp. 1416-1430, Apr. 2022.

[25] N. Xie, J. Chen, Y. Chen, J. Hu, Q. Zhang, C. Chen, and L. Huang, “Detection of information hiding at anti-copying 2D barcodes, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 437-450, Jan. 2022.

[26] B. Zhao, L. Huang*, Bing Li, S. Liu, and W. Bao, “One-bit Splitting deceptive jamming against SAR, Elsevier-Defence Technology, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1760-1777, Oct. 2022. 

[27] Z.H. Zhou, L. Huang, M.G. Christensen, S.L. Zhang, “Robust spectral analysis of multi-channel sinusoidal signals in impulsive noise environments,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 70, pp. 919-935, Aug. 2021.

[28] H. Wang, G. Liao, J. Xu, S. Zhu, and L. Huang, “Space-time coding technique for coherent frequency diverse array, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 69, pp. 5994-6008, Otc. 2021.

[29] Y. Zhao, X. Ke, B. Zhao, Y. Xiao, and L. Huang*, One-bit spectrum sensing based on Statistical Covariances: Eigenvalue moment ratio approach, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 2474-2478, Nov. 2021.

[30] Y.P. Feng, L. Huang* and M. Rihan, “Positional perturbations analysis for micro-UAV array with relative position-based formation, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 2918-2922, Sept. 2021.

[31] Y. Wang, K.C. Ho*, and L. Huang*, “Room geometry estimation using the multipath delays, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 28, pp. 1380-1384, Jun. 2021.

[32] N. Xie H. Tan A. X. Liu and L. Huang, “Physical-layer authentication in a wirelessly powered communication network, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1827-1840, Apr. 2021.

[33] Z.-M. Jiang, M. Rihan, P. Zhang, L. Huang*, Q. Deng, J. Zhang and E. M. Mohamed, Intelligent reflecting surface aided dual-function radar and communication system, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 475-486, Feb. 2021.

[34] Y. Zhao, X. Ke, L. Huang* and Y. Xiao, “On cycle-period estimation: A Bayesian information criteria,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 3949-3954, Apr. 2021.

[35] N. Xie, J. Chen, L. Huang*, and A.X. Liu, “Physical-layer authentication using multiple channel-based features,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 29, no. 4, August 2021.

[36] X. He, L. Huang* and J.Z. Wang, “Novel relax-and-retract algorithm for intelligent reflecting surface design, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 1995-2000, Feb. 2021.

[37] J. Chen, Y. Xu, W. Sun and L. Huang, “Joint sparse neural network compression via multi-application multi-objective optimization, Applied Intelligence, vol.51, pp.7837-7854, 2021.

[38] J. H. Huang, W. Sun and L. Huang, Joint structure and parameter optimization of multiobjective sparse neural network, Neural Computation, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 1113-1143, March 26, 2021.

[39] X. Ke, Y. Zhao and L. Huang*, “On accurate source enumeration: A new Bayesian information criterion,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 69, pp. 1012-1027, Jan. 2021.

[40] H. Wang, G. Liao, Y. Zhang, J. Xu, S. Zhu, and L. Huang, “Transmit beampattern synthesis for chirp space-time coding array by time delay design, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 110, 2021.

[41] B. Zhao, L. Huang*, and B. Jin, “Strategy for SAR imaging quality improvement with low-precision sampled data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 3150-3160, April 2021.

[42] W. Sun, S.W. Chen, L. Huang, and H.C. So, “Deep convolutional neural network compression via coupled tensor decomposition,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol.15, no.3 pp.603 - 616, Apr. 2021.

[43] M. Rihan, M. M. Sleim, X. Chen, L. Huang*, and Y. Yang, “Deep-VFog: When artificial intelligence meets fog computing in V2X, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 3492 - 3505, Sep. 2021.

[44] X. He and L. Huang, “Joint MIMO communication and MIMO radar under different practical waveform constraints, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, pp. 16342- 16347, vol. 69, no. 12, Dec. 2020.

[45] Y. Wang, G. Wang, S. Chen, K. C. Ho, and L. Huang, “Rigid body localization using angle measurements, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 68, pp. 5457-5472, 2020.

[46] M. Tian, W. Sun, P. Zhang, L. Huang and Q. Z. Li, “Joint beamforming design and receive antenna selection for large-scale MIMO wiretap channels,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 2716-2730, 2020.

[47] X. Ke, Y. Wang, L. Huang*, “Three-dimensional rigid body localization in the presence of clock offsets, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 27, pp. 96-100, 2020.

[48] P. Zhang, J. Xu, L. Huang*, B. Zhao, S. Zhong, “On ergodic capacity of antenna selection aided massive multi-user MIMO systems with imperfect CSI in correlated time-varying channels,” IET Communications, vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1841-1847, 2020

[49] M. Huang, L. Huang*, S. Zhong, and P. Zhang, UAV-mounted mobile base station placement via sparse recovery, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 71775-71781, 2020.

[50] M. Rihan, T. A. Soliman, C. Xu, L. Huang*, and M. I. Dessouky “Taxonomy and performance evaluation of hybrid beamforming for 5G and beyond systems” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 74605-74626, 2020.

[51] M.-Y. Cao, X. Mao, L. Huang, Elevation, azimuth, and polarization estimation with nested electromagnetic vector-sensor arrays via tensor modeling, EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw., pp. 1-11, 2020.

[52] J. H. Huang, W. Sun and L. Huang, Deep neural networks compression learning based on multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, Neurocomputing, vol. 378, pp.260-269, 2020.

[53] M. Tian, W. Sun, L. Huang, S. Zhao and Q. Li, “Joint beamforming and relay selection in AF two-way relay networks with energy transfer” IEEE System Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 2597-2600, 2020.

[54] W. Sun, Y. Huang, L. Huang, Q. Li, J. Zhang, “ℓ(2, p)-correlation and robust matching pursuit for sparse approximation,Digital Signal Processing, vol. 104, 2020.

[55] Z. M. Jiang, P. Zhang, L. Huang, J. Zhang, X. He, and M. Rihan, “Lens Antenna Arrays Aided Co-existing Radar and Communication systems with Energy Harvesting,IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 56160-56169, 2020.

[56] Z. M. Jiang, P. Zhang, M. Rihan, L. Huang, and J. Zhang, “Maximum likelihood approach to DoA estimation using lens antenna array,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2019, no. 1, pp. 1-7, 2019.

[57] X. He, W. P. Tay, L. Huang*, M. Sun, and Y. Gong, “Privacy-aware sensor network via multilayer nonlinear processing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 6, pp.10834-10845, 2019.

[58] L. Zhang, L. Huang*, B. Li, J. Yin and W. Bao, “Sensing matrix design for MMV compressive sensing: An MVDR approach, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog, vol. 68, no. 9, pp. 8601-8612, Sep. 2019.

[59] L. Zhang, L. Huang*, B. Li, M. Huang, J. Yin, and W. Bao, “Fast-moving jamming suppression for UAV navigation: A minimum dispersion distortionless response beamforming approach,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 7815-7827, 2019.

[60] M. Huang, L. Huang*, W. Sun, W. Bao and J. Zhang, “Sparse Bayesian learning assisted CFO estimation using nonnegative Laplace priors,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 6151-6155, 2019.

[61] S. Zhu, G. Liao, J. Xu, L. Huang and H. C. So, “Robust STAP based on magnitude and phase constrained iterative optimization,” IEEE Sensor Journal, vol. 19, no. 19, pp. 8650-8656, 2019.

[62] Y.-H. Xiao, J. Xie, L. Huang*, and H. C. So, “Multi-antenna assisted source detection with Toeplitz noise covariance,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 26, no.6, pp. 813-817, 2019.

[63] B. Zhao, L. Huang* and W. Bao, “One-bit SAR imaging based on single-frequency thresholds,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 57, no.9, pp. 7017-7032, Sep. 2019.

[64] Y. Yang, J. Luo, L. Huang* and Q. Liu, “A many-objective evolutionary algorithm with epsilon-indicator direction vector, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 76, pp. 326-355, Mar. 2019.

[65] W. Sun, L. Huang, H.C. So and J. Wang, Orthogonal Tubal rank-1 tensor pursuit for tensor completion, Signal Processing, vol. 157, pp. 213-224, Apr. 2019.

[66] Q. Li, L. Huang*, W. Liu, B. Zhao, P. Zhang, “Carrier phase recovery for array navigation receiver: A fast phase retrieval approach,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 179385-179395, 2019.

[67] W. Liu, J. Liu, L. Huang, and Y. Wang, Performance analysis of reduced-dimension subspace signal filtering and detection in sample-starved environment, Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 356, no. 1, pp. 629-653, Jan. 2019.

[68] M. Rihan, M. M. Selim, C. Xu, and L. Huang, D2D communication underlaying UAV on multiple bands in disaster area: Stochastic geometry analysis, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 156646-156658, 2019.

[69] Y. Xu, X. Shi, W. Li, J. Xu, and L. Huang, Low-sidelobe range-angle beamforming with FDA using multiple parameter optimization, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 2214 - 2225, Oct. 2019.

[70] M. M. Selim, M. Rihan, Y. Yang, L. Huang, Z. Quan and J. Ma, “On the outage probability and power control of D2D underlying NOMA UAV-assisted networks” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 16525-16536, Jan. 2019.

[71] P. Zhang, J. Xu, S. Zhong, H. Feng, L. Huang, T. Yuan, J.-K. Zhang, “Design of reconfigurable SDR platform for antenna selection aided MIMO communication system, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 169267-169280, 2019.

[72] C. Qian, Y. Shi, L. Huang* and H.C. So, Majorization minimization for robust harmonic retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 66, no. 23, pp. 6310-6324, Dec. 2018.

[73] B. Zhao, L. Huang*, and W. Sun, Target reconstruction in deceptively jammed SAR via ADMM, IEEE Sensor Journal, vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 4331-4339, Oct. 2018.

[74] M. Rihan and L. Huang*, Optimum co-design of spectrum sharing between MIMO radar and MIMO communication systems: An interference alignment approach, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 11667- 11680, Dec. 2018.

[75] M. Rihan and L. Huang*, Non-orthogonal multiple access based cooperative spectrum sharing between MIMO radar and MIMO communication systems, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 83, pp. 107-117, Dec. 2018.

[76] M. Rihan, L. Huang and P. Zhang, Joint interference alignment and power allocation for multi-user MIMO-NOMA systems, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, DOI:ORG/10.1186/S13638-018-1226-Y, vol. 2018, pp. 1-13, Sep. 2018.

[77] Z. Dong, H. Chen, J.-K. Zhang, L. Huang*, and B. Vucetic, Uplink non-orthogonal multiple access with finite-alphabet inputs, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 5743-5758, Sep. 2018.

[78] Q. Li, L. Huang*, W. Liu, W. Sun, and P. Zhang, “A fast gradient-based iterative algorithm for undersampled phase retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 2086-2090, Aug. 2018.

[79] H. Zhou, L. Huang* and J. Li, Compressive sampling for spectrally sparse signal recovery via one-bit random demodulator, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 81, pp. 1-7, Oct. 2018.

[80] W. Sun, Y. Chen, L. Huang and H.C. So, “Tensor completion via generalized tensor tubal rank minimization using general unfolding, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 868-872, 2018.

[81] J. Wang, W. Sun, L. Huang*, and J. Zhang, “Accurate and computationally efficient interpolation based method for two dimensional harmonic retrieval, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 78, pp. 108-120, Jul. 2018.

[82] B. Zhao, L. Huang*, J. Li, P. Zhang and C. He, Deceptive SAR jamming based on one-bit sampling and time-varying thresholds, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 939-950, Mar. 2018

[83] Y.-H. Xiao, L. Huang*, J.-K. Zhang, J. Xie and H. C. So, “Performance analysis of locally most powerful invariant test for sphericity of Gaussian vectors in MIMO radar,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 5868-5882, July 2018.

[84] H. Zhou, L. Huang*, H. C. So, and J. Li “G-MUSIC based DOA estimate of single source with RLA, Signal Processing, vol. 142, pp. 513-521, 2018

[85] B. Zhao, L. Huang*, J. Li and P. Zhang, Target reconstruction from deceptively jammed single-channel SAR, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 152-167, Jan. 2018. 

[86] Y.H. Xiao, L. Huang*, J. Xie and H.C. So, “Accurate distribution of locally most powerful invariant test for independence: Complex case, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1784-1799, Mar. 2018.

[87] Q. Li, L. Huang*, H. C. So, H. Xue, and P. Zhang, Beampattern synthesis for frequency diverse array via reweighted -norm iterative phase compensation, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 467-475, Feb. 2018.

[88] W. Liu, Y.-L. Wang, J. Liu, L. Huang, and C. Hao, “Performance analysis of adaptive detectors for point targets in subspace interference and Gaussian noise, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 429-441, Feb. 2018.

[89] X. Li, C. He, L. Huang, C. Zhang, J. Zhang “Energy efficient power allocation for co-located antenna systems with D2D communication, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 83, pp.100-105, Jan. 2018.

[90] Y. Liu, G. Liao, J. Xu, Z. Yang, L. Huang, “Transmit power adaptation for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing integrated radar and communication systems,” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1-17, Sep. 2017.

[91] C. Qian, N.D. Sidiropoulos, X. Fu, L. Huang and J. Xie, Inexact alternating optimization for phase retrieval in the presence of outliers, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 22, pp. 6069-6082, Nov. 2017

[92] Z. Dong, H. Chen, J.-K. Zhang and L. Huang*, On non-orthogonal multiple access with finite-alphabet inputs in z-channels, IEEE Journal of Selected Area in Communications, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2829-2845, Dec. 2017.

[93] M. Huang, L. Huang*, C. Guo, P. Zhang, J. Zhang and L.-L. Yang, Carrier frequency offset estimation in uplink OFDMA systems: An approach relying on sparse recovery, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 9592-9597, May 2017.

[94] L. Zhang, B. Li, L. Huang*, Kiruba and H.C. So, Robust minimum dispersion distortionless response beamforming against fast-moving interferences, Signal Processing, vol. 140, pp. 190-197, 2017.

[95] B. Zhao, L. Huang*, J. Zhang, Single channel SAR deception jamming suppression via dynamic aperture processing, IEEE Sensor Journal, vol. 17, no. 13, pp. 4225-4230, Apr. 2017.

[96] Z.-Q. He, Z.-P. Shi, H. Li, J. Fang, and L. Huang*, “A robust iteratively reweighted  approach for spectral compressive sensing in impulsive noise, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 938-942, July 2017

[97] Y. Xu, X. Shi, J. Xu, L. Huang, and W. Li, Range-angle-decoupled beampattern synthesis with subarray-based frequency diverse array, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 64, pp. 49-59, May 2017

[98] J. Guan, X. Wang. W.-W. Wang and L. Huang*, Sparse blind speech deconvolution with dynamic range regularization and indicator function, Circuit System and Signal Processing, vol. 36, no. 10, pp 4145-4160, Oct. 2017.

[99] X. Lin, L. Huang*, C. Guo, M. Huang, P. Zhang and J. Zhang, Energy-efficient resource allocation in TDMS based wireless powered communication networks, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 861-864, April 2017

[100] C. Qian, L. Huang*, H.C. So and J. Xie, PUMA: An improved realization of MODE for DOA estimation, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol.53, no. 5, pp. 2128-2139, Oct. 2017.

[101] L. Zhang, B. Liao, L. Huang* and C. Guo, An eigendecomposition-based approach to blind beamforming in a multipath environment IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 322-325, Feb. 2017.

[102] B. Liao, C. Guo, L. Huang*, Q. Li, and H. C. So “Robust adaptive beamforming with precise main beam control, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 345-356, Feb. 2017.

[103] B. Zhao, L. Huang*, F. Zhou and J. Zhang, Performance improvement of deception jamming against SAR based on condition number minimization, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1039-1055, March 2017.

[104] J. Xu, G. Liao, L. Huang and H.C. So, Robust adaptive beamforming for fast moving target detection with FDA-STAP radar, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.65, no.4, pp.973-984, Feb. 2017.

[105] M. Huang, L. Huang*, W. Sun, J. Zhang, H.C. So, Accurate signal detection for BPSK-OFDM systems in time-varying channels” Digital Signal Processing, pp. 370-379, vol. 60, Jan. 2017

[106] W. Liu, J. Liu, L. Huang*, Z. Yang, and Y.-L. Wang, “Distributed target detectors with capabilities of mismatched subspace signal rejection, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 888-900, Apr. 2017

[107] J. Xu, G. Liao, Y. Zhang, H. Ji and L. Huang, An adaptive range-angle-doppler processing approach for FDA-MIMO radar using three-dimensional localization, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 309-320, Mar. 2017.

[108] B. Liao, L.Huang*, C. Guo and H.C. So, “New approaches to direction-of-arrival estimation with sensor arrays in unknown nonuniform noise,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 24, pp. 8982-8989, Dec. 2016.

[109] C. Guo, B. Liao, and L. Huang, “Time allocation and load balancing in multi-cell wireless powered communication networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 7795-7805, Nov. 2016.

[110] C. Qian, N.D. Sidiropoulos, K. Huang, L. Huang* and H.C. So, “Phase retrieval using feasible point pursuit: Algorithms and Cramér-Rao bound, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.64, no.20, pp.5282-5296, Oct. 2016.

[111] B. Liao, C. Guo, L. Huang*, Q. Li, G. Liao and H.C. So, “Robust adaptive beamforming with random steering vector mismatch, Signal Processing, vol.129, pp.190-194, Dec. 2016

[112] Q. Li, B. Liao, L. Huang*, C. Guo, G. Liao and S. Zhu, A robust STAP method for airborne radar with array steering vector mismatch, Signal Processing, vol. 128, pp. 198-203, Nov. 2016

[113] W. Liu, J. Liu, X. Zheng, W. Xie, L. Huang* and Y. Wang, Statistical performance analysis of the adaptive orthogonal rejection detector, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 873-877, June 2016

[114] B. Liao, J. Wen, L. Huang*, C. Guo and S. C. Chan, Direction finding with partly calibrated uniform linear arrays in nonuniform noise, IEEE Sensor Journal, vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 4882-4890, June 2016

[115] K. Liu, J.C.L. Cost, H.C. So, L. Huang* and J. Ye, “Detection of number of components in CANDECOMP/PARAFAC models via information theoretic criteria, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 51, pp. 110-123, April 2016.

[116] C. Guo, B. Liao, L. Huang*, P. Zhang. M. Huang and J. Zhang, On proportional fairness in power allocation for two-tone spectrum-sharing networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 10090-10096, Dec. 2016

[117] C. Guo, B. Liao, L. Huang*, X. Lin and J. Zhang, On convexity of fairness-aware energy-efficient power allocation in spectrum-sharing networks, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 534-537, March 2016

[118] B. Liao, S.C. Chan, L. Huang*, and C. Guo, “Iterative methods for subspace and DOA estimation in nonuniform noise, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 3008-3020, Jun. 2016.

[119] C. Guo, B. Liao, L. Huang*, Qiang Li and X. Lin, Convexity of fairness-aware resource allocation in wireless powered communication networks, IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 474-477, March 2016

[120] C. Qian, L. Huang*, H.C. So and N.D. Sidiropoulos, Enhanced PUMA for direction-of-arrival estimation and its performance analysis, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 16, pp. 4127-4137, Oct. 2016.

[121] K. Liu, L. Huang*, H.C. So, J. Ye, “Multidimensional folding for sinusoidal order selection,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 48, pp. 349-360, Jan. 2016

[122] Y. Huo, Y. Fang and L. Huang, “3D sparse signal recovery via 3D orthogonal matching pursuit, Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 64, pp. 3-10, Mar. 2016

[123] W. Liu, J. Liu, L. Huang and Y. Wang, “Robust GLRT approaches to signal detection in the presence of spatial-temporal uncertainty,” Signal Processing, vol. 118, pp.272-284, Jan. 2016

[124] L. Huang*, Y. Xiao, K. Liu, H.C. So and J.-K. Zhang, “Bayesian information criterion for source enumeration in large-scale adaptive antenna array” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.65, no. 5, pp. 3018-3032, May 2016. 

[125] J. Xu, S. Zhu, G. Liao, and L. Huang*, Response vector constrained robust LCMV beamforming based on semidefinite programming, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. vol. 63, no. 21, pp. 5720-5732, Nov. 2015

[126] W. Liu, J. Liu, L. Huang, D. Zou and Y. Wang, “Rao tests for distributed target detection in interference and noise” Signal Processing, vol. 117, pp. 333-342, Dec. 2015

[127] J. Xu, G. Liao, S. Zhu, and L. Huang, “Joint magnitude and phase constrained STAP approach,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 46, pp. 32-40, Nov. 2015

[128] H. Duan, L. Zhang, J. Fang, L. Huang* and H. Li, “Pattern-coupled sparse bayesian learning for inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging,  IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1995-1999, Nov. 2015

[129] C. Qian, L. Huang*, H.C. So, N.D. Sidiropoulos and J. Xie, “Unitary PUMA algorithm for estimating the frequency of a complex sinusoid” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 20, pp. 5358-5368, Oct. 2015.

[130] J. Xu, S. Zhu, G. Liao, L. Huang*, and H.C. So, “Joint range and angle estimation using MIMO radar with frequency diverse array, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 13 pp. 3396-3410, Jul. 2015.

[131] C. Qian, L. Huang*, Y. Xiao, and H.C. So, “Two-step reliability test based unitary root-MUSIC for direction-of-arrival estimation, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 44, pp. 68-75, Sep. 2015. 

[132] L. Huang*, J. Fang, K. Liu, H.C. So and H. Li, “An eigenvalue-moment-ratio approach to blind spectrum sensing for cognitive radio under sample-starving environment” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 3465-3480, Aug. 2015. 

[133] F.K.W. Chan, H.C. So, L. Huang* and L.T. Huang, “Parameter estimation and identifiability in bistatic multiple-input multiple-output radarIEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 2047-2056, Jul. 2015. 

[134] C. Qian, L. Huang*, Y. Xiao and H.C. So, “Localization of coherent signals without source number knowledge in unknown spatially correlated Gaussian noise” Signal Processing. vol.111, no.6, pp.170-178, Jun. 2015.

[135] Y. Shi, L. Huang*, C. Qian, and H.C. So, “DOA estimation for noncircular sources via SLS-ESPRIT with 3-axis-crossed-array” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 1267-1278, Apr. 2015

[136] F. Li, J. Fang, H. Li and L Huang*, Robust one-bit Bayesian compressed sensing with sign-flip errors, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 857-861, July 2015

[137] Z.-Q. He, Z.P. Shi, L. Huang* and H. C. So, “Underdetermined DOA estimation for wideband signals using robust sparse covariance fitting” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 435-439, Apr. 2015.

[138] L. Huang*, Y. Xiao and Q.T. Zhang, “Robust spectrum sensing for noncircular signal in multiantenna cognitive receivers, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 498-511, Jan. 2015. 

[139] L. Huang*, Y. Xiao, H.C. So and J. Fang, “Accurate performance analysis of Hadamard ratio test for robust spectrum sensing,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 2, pp.750-758, Feb. 2015. 

[140] Y. Shi, L. Huang*, C. Qian, and H.C. So, “Shrinkage linear and widely-linear complex-valued least mean squares algorithms for adaptive beamforming” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 119-131, Jan. 2015.

[141] L. Huang*, C. Qian, H.C. So and J. Fang, “Source enumeration for large array using shrinkage-based detectors with small samples” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 51, no. 1, pp.334-357, Jan. 2015.

[142] L. Huang*, C. Qian, Y. Xiao and Q.T. Zhang, “Performance analysis of volume-based spectrum sensing for cognitive radio, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 317-330, Jan. 2015.

[143] J. Lv, L. Huang*, Y. Shi and X. Fu, “Inversed synthetic aperture radar imaging via modified smoothed ell_0 norm, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. vol. 13, pp. 1235-1238, Jun. 2014.

[144] M. Cao, L. Huang*, C. Qain, J. Y. Xue and H. C. So, “Underdetermined DOA estimation of quasi-stationary signals via Khatri-Rao structure for uniform circular array, Signal Processing, vol.106, no.1, pp.41-48, Jan. 2015.

[145] C. Qian, L. Huang*, W.J. Zeng, and H.C. So, “Direction-of-arrival estimation for coherent signals without knowledge of source number, IEEE Sensor Journal, vol. 14, no. 9, pp.3267-3273, Sep. 2014.

[146] C. Qian, L. Huang* and H.C. So, “Improved unitary root-MUSIC for DOA estimation based on pseudo-noise resampling,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 140-144, Feb. 2014. 

[147] C. Qian, L. Huang* and H.C. So, “Computationally efficient ESPRIT algorithm for direction-of-arrival estimation based on Nystrom method,” Signal Processing, vol. 94, pp. 74-80, Jan. 2014.

[148] F.K.W. Chan, H.C.So, L. Huang* and L.T. Huang, “Underdetermined direction-of-departure and direction-of-arrival estimation in bistatic multiple-input multiple-output radar,” Signal Processing, vol.104, no.11, pp.284-290, Nov. 2014.

[149] W. Sun, H.C. So, F.K.W. Chan, L.T. Huang and L. Huang*, Approximate subspace- based iterative adaptive approach for fast two-dimensional spectral estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.62, no.12, pp.3220-3231, Jun. 2014.

[150] J. Fang, X. Li, H. Li, and L. Huang, “Precoding for decentralized detection of unknown deterministic signals in multisensor systems” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 2116-2128, Jul. 2014.

[151] L. Huang*, H.C. So and C. Qian, “Volume-based method for spectrum sensing” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 28, pp. 48-56, May 2014.

[152] Z. He, Z. Shi, and L. Huang*, “Covariance sparsity-aware DOA estimation for nonuniform noise, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 28, pp. 75-81, May 2014.

[153] L. Huang* and H.C. So, “Source enumeration via MDL criterion based on linear shrinkage estimation of noise subspace covariance matrix,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 19, pp.4806-4821, Oct. 2013. 

[154] W.J. Zeng, H.C. So and L. Huang*, “lp-MUSIC: Robust direction-of-arrival estimator for impulsive noise environments,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.61, no.17, pp.4296-4308, Sep. 2013.

[155] W. Sun, H.C. So, F.K.W. Chan and L. Huang*, “Tensor approach for eigenvector-based multi-dimensional harmonic retrieval,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.61, no. 13, pp. 3378-3388, Apr. 2013.

[156] K. Liu, J.P.C.L. Cost, H.C. So and L. Huang, “Subspace techniques for multidimensional model order selection in colored noise,” Signal Processing, vol. 93, no. 7, pp. 1976-1987, Jul. 2013.

[157] K. Liu, H.C. So, J.C.L. Cost, F. Romer and L. Huang*, “Efficient source enumeration for accurate direction-of-arrival estimation in threshold region,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 1668–1677, Sep. 2013.

[158] L.T. Huang, Y. Wu, H.C. So, Y. Zhang and L. Huang, “Multidimensional sinusoidal frequency estimation using subspace and projection separation approaches,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 5536-5543, Oct. 2012.

[159] L. Huang*, Q.T. Zhang and L.L. Cheng, “Information theoretic criterion for stopping turbo iteration,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 848-853, Feb. 2011.

[160] L. Huang*, S. Wu and E. Mao, “Recursion subspace-based method for bearing estimation: a comparative study,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, no. 3, pp. 477-480, Jul. 2010.

[161] L. Huang*, T. Long, E. Mao and H.C. So, “MMSE-based MDL method for robust estimation of number of sources without eigendecomposition,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 4135-4142, Oct. 2009. 

[162] L. Huang*, T. Long, E. Mao and H.C. So, “MMSE-based MDL method for accurate source number estimation,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 798-801, Sep. 2009.

[163] L. Huang*, T. Long and S. Wu, “Source enumeration for high-resolution array processing using improved Gerschgorin radii without eigendecomposition,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 5916-5925, Dec. 2008.

[164] L. Huang*, S. Wu and X. Li, “Reduced-rank MDL method for source enumeration in high-resolution array processing,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 5658-5667, Dec. 2007.

[165] L. Huang* and S. Wu, “Low-complexity MDL method for accurate source enumeration,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 581-584, Sep. 2007.

[166] L. Huang*, S. Wu, D. Feng, and L. Zhang, “Low complexity method for signal subspace fitting,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 40, no. 14, Jul. 2004.

[167] L. Huang*, S. Wu, L. Zhang and D. Feng, “Computationally efficient direction-of-arrival estimation based on partial a priori knowledge of signal sources,” EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol. 2006, pp. 1-7, 2006.

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(II) 国内期刊论文

[169] 黄磊,吴顺君,张林让,没有协方差矩阵估计及特征值分解的ESPRIT方法,自然科学进展,2005, vol. 15, no.7, pp. 863-868

[170] 黄磊,吴顺君,张林让,冯大政,快速子空间分解方法及其维数的快速估计,电子学报,2005, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 977-981 

[171] 黄磊,张林让,吴顺君,一种低复杂度的信号子空间拟合的新方法,电子学报,2005, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 982-986 

[172] 黄磊,吴顺君,张林让,最小Rayleigh熵恒模信号分离算法,电子与信息学报,2005, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 1531-1534 

[173] 黄磊,吴顺君,张林让,采用Lanczos算法快速估计噪声子空间,电子与信息学报,2006, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 21-25

[174] 黄磊,吴顺君,张林让,基于多级维纳滤波器的信号子空间拟合算法,电子与信息学报, 2005, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 1197-1200 

[175] 黄磊,袁伟明,张林让,吴顺君,基于多级维纳滤波器降维技术的波达方向估计,西安电子科技大学学报,2004, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 865-869 

[176] 黄磊,吴顺君,张林让,冯大政,一种低复杂度的EPSRIT方法,西安电子科技大学学报,2005, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 570-573 

[177] 黄磊,吴顺君,张林让,一种快速的相干信源超分辨方法,西安电子科技大学学报,2005, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 57-61

[178] 黄磊,吴顺君,张林让,一种波达方向估计的快速算法,电波科学学报,2005, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 707-711 

[179] 黄磊,吴顺君,张林让,一种没有特征值分解的MUSIC算法,系统工程与电子技术,2005, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 1988-1990 

[180] 袁伟明, 王敏, 吴顺君, 黄磊, 一种新的LPI信号的截获方法, 电波科学学报,2005, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 73-76

[181] 黄磊,王家礼,一种改善射频功率放大器非线性的预失真法, 现代电子技术,2002, vol. 143, no. 12, pp. 34-36.

(III) 国际会议论文

[182] S. Liu, B. Li, B. Zhao, L. Huang, Q. Li and M. Huang, Y. Wu, and W. Bao, “Two-bit quantization for harmonic suppression,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP 2022), Nov. 2022, Shenzhen, China (Won best paper award).

[183] S. Chen, W. Sun, L. Huang, and H. Tan, “Deep convolutional neural network compression using coupled matrix decomposition, Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2021), 6-11 June 2021, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

[184] X. He and L. Huang, robust coexistence design of MIMO radar and MIMO communication under model uncertainty, 2020 IEEE 11th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), Hangzhou, China, Jun. 2020.

[185] M. Rihan, M. M. Selim, C. Xu and L. Huang, Flying radar: Altitude optimization, clutter mitigation and spectrum sharing with mimo communication system, 2020 IEEE 11th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), Hangzhou, China, Jun. 2020.

[186] F.Y.P. Feng and L. Huang, Precoding for RadComm systems based on hybrid antenna arrays, 2020 IEEE 11th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), Hangzhou, China, Jun. 2020.

[187] Q. Li, L. Huang, L. Zhang, M. Huang, B. Zhao and P. Zhang, Fast Signal Retrieval of Sonar in the Presence of Impulse Noise, 2020 IEEE 11th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), Hangzhou, China, Jun. 2020.

[188] W. Sun, C. Xu, Y. Huang and L. Huang, “Underdetermined DOA estimation of quasi-stationary signals in the presence of malfunctioning sensors, 2020 IEEE 11th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), Hangzhou, China, Jun. 2020.

[189] C. Yi, B. Zhao, L. Huang, T. Pan, Promotion from 1-bit quantization model to multi-bit in SAR imaging, 2019 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR 2019), Xiamen, China, China, 26-29 Nov. 2019.

[190] T. Pan, B. Zhao, L. Huang, C. Yi, Low-cost matched filter for 1-bit SAR signal processing based on single-frequency threshold, 2019 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR 2019), Xiamen, China, China, 26-29 Nov. 2019.

[191] B. Zhao, L. Huang, Q. Li, M. Huang and W. Bao, 1-bit SAR Imaging assisted with single-frequency threshold, 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2019), Yokohama, Japan, 28 Jul.-2 Aug. 2019.

[192] L. Zhang, L. Huang, B. Zhao, and B. Li, “Adaptive sensing matrix design for greedy algorithms in MMV compressive sensing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2019), May 12-17, 2017, Brighton, UK.

[193] Q. Li, W. Liu, L. Huang, W. Sun and P. Zhang, “A fast undersampled phase retrieval algorithm via gradient iteration, Proceedings of IEEE 10th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2018), Sheffield, UK, July 2018.

[194] B. Zhao, L. Huang, L. Zhang, Q. Li and M. Huang, “An ADMM based target reconstruction approach for deceptively jammed SAR, Proceedings of IEEE 10th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2018), Sheffield, UK, July 2018.

[195] C. Qian, Y. Shi, L. Huang, H.C. So, “Robust spectrum estimation via majorization minimization, Proceedings of IEEE 10th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2018), Sheffield, UK, July 2018.

[196] M. Huang and L. Huang, Sparse recovery assisted DOA estimation utilizing sparse Bayesian learning, Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018), 15-20 April 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

[197] Z. Dong, H. Chen, J.-K. Zhang, L. Huang, and B. Vucetic, “Finite-alphabet NOMA for two-user uplink channel, Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018), 15-20 April 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

[198] M.-Y. Cao, X. Mao, X. Long and L. Huang, “Direction-of-arrival estimation for uniform rectangular array: A multilinear projection approach,” Proceedings of 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Sep. 2018, pp. 1237-1241.

[199] L. Zhang, L. Huang, P. Zhang and Q. Li, “Robust MDDR beamforming for sub-gaussian signals in the presence of fast-moving interferences, Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Curacao, Dutch, pp. 1-4, December 10-13, 2017.

[200] Z. Dong, J.-K. Zhang, and L. Huang, “Multi-users space-time modulation with QAM division for massive uplink communications, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Aachen, Germany, pp. 1087-1091, June 25 to 30, 2017.

[201] B. Liao, C. Guo, L. Huang, J. Wen, Matrix completion based direction-of-arrival estimation in nonuniform noise, Proceedings of 21st IEEE international Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2016), Beijing, China, Oct. 16-18, 2016 (Won best paper award)

[202] X. Lin, L. Huang, W. Sun, lp-PARAFAC for joint DOD and DOA estimation in bistatic MIMO radar, Proceedings of CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar 2016), Guangzhou, China, Oct. 2016.

[203] B. Zhao, L. Huang, C. He, C. Guo, J. Zhang, J. Wang, SAR deception jamming identification via differential feature enhancement, Proceedings of CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar 2016), Guangzhou, China, Oct. 2016 (Won best paper award)

[204] C. Qian, J. Xie, L. Huang, H. C. So “Computationally efficient PUMA algorithm for two-dimensional frequency estimation of a single-tone via DFT beamspace transformation, Proceedings of CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar 2016), Guangzhou, China, Oct. 2016

[205] Q. Li, L. Huang, B. Liao, P. Zhang, W. Sun, C. He, M. Huang, “Mainlobe interference constraint in FDA radar with random frequency offset, Proceedings of CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar 2016), Guangzhou, China, Oct. 2016

[206] H.-F. Zhou and L. Huang, “Phase estimation of radar signals via one-bit measurements, Proceedings of CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar 2016), Guangzhou, China, Oct. 2016

[207] H. Huang, B. Liao, C. Guo, L. Huang, “An improved approach to robust Capon beamforming with enhanced performance, Proceedings of CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar 2016), Guangzhou, China, Oct. 2016

[208] B. Liao, C. Guo, L. Huang, Q. Li and H.C .So, “A robust beamformer with main beam control,” Proceedings of IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2016

[209] C. Qian, X. Fu, N. D. Sidiropoulos and L. Huang, “Inexact alternating optimization for phase retrieval with outliers, Proceedings of the 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary, Augest 2016

[210] Y.-H.Xiao, L. Huang, J. Xie and H.C.So, “Accurate asymptotic analysis for John’s test in multichannel signal detection,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016), March 20-25, 2016, Shanghai, China

[211] Z.-Q.He, Z.-P.Shi, L. Huang, H.Li and H.C.So, “Sparse recovery of multiple measurement vectors in impulsive noise: A smooth block successive minimization algorithm,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016), March 20-25, 2016, Shanghai, China

[212] C.Qian, N.Sidiropoulos, K.Huang, L. Huang and H.C.So, “Least squares phase retrieval using feasible point pursuit,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016), March 20-25, 2016, Shanghai, China

[213] W.Sun, X.Lin, H.C.So, L. Huang and Q.Li, “Iteratively reweighted tensor SVD for robust multi-dimensional harmonic retrieval,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016), March 20-25, 2016, Shanghai, China

[214] J. Fang, J. Zhang, H. Duan, L. Huang and H. Li, “A new sparse Bayesian learning method for inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging via exploiting cluster patterns, Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 9857, pp. 1-9, May 2016.

[215] M. Huang, L. Huang, W. Sun, Q. Li and P. Zhang, “BPSK-OFDM signal detection in time-varying channels using prior information,” Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA), December 16-19 2015, Hong Kong

[216] Z.-Q. He, Z.-P. Shi, L. Huang and H.C. So, “Iterative reweighted sparse reconstruction for impulse noise,” Proceedings of IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP 2015), July 2015, Chengdu, China

[217] M.-Y. Cao, L.Huang, W.-X. Xie and H.C. So, “Interpolation array technique for direction finding via Taylor series fitting,” Proceedings of IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP 2015), July 2015, Chengdu, China

[218] Y. Shi, L.Huang, C. Qian, Y. Wang, W. Xie, H.C. So, “A novel worst-case robust beamformer based on interference-plus-noise covariance reconstruction and uncertainty level estimation,” Proceedings of IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP 2015), July 2015, Chengdu, China

[219] Y. Wang, L.Huang, and Y. Shi, “Robust widely linear adaptive MVDR beamformer based on interference-plus-noise covariance matrix and steering vector estimation, Proceedings of IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP 2015), July 2015, Chengdu, China

[220] B. Liao, L.Huang and S. C. Chan, “DOA estimation under the coexistence of nonuniform noise and mutual coupling, Proceedings of IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP 2015), July 2015, Chengdu, China

[221] B. Liao, L.Huang and S. C. Chan, “Improved cumulant-based methods for direction finding with mutual coupling effect, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2015), Sigapore

[222] J. Xue and L. Huang, “An improved cross-correlation approach to parameter estimation based on fractional Fourier transform for ISAR motion compensation,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2015), April 2015, Brisbane, Australia

[223] C. Qian, L. Huang, Y. Shi and H.C. So,“Joint direction-of-arrival and frequency estimation without source enumeration,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2015), April 2015, Brisbane, Australia

[224] R. Li, L. Huang, Y. Shi and H. C. So, “Gerschgorin disk-based robust spectrum sensing for cognitive radio,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014), May 2014, Florence, Italy

[225] C. Qian, L. Huang, Y. Shi and H. C. So, “Joint angle and frequency estimation using structured least squares,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014), May 2014, Florence, Italy

[226] Y. Wang, L. Huang and Y. Shi, “Robust widely linear reduced-rank adaptive beamforming based on joint iterative optimization,” IEEE International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC), Harbin, China, Harbin, China, 18-20 September, 2014.

[227] Y. Shi and L. Huang, “Optimal eigenspace-based widely linear beamformer for noncircular signals,” IEEE International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC), Harbin, China, Dec. 2013.

[228] K. Liu, H. C. So, J. P. C. L. Costa and L. Huang, “Core consistency diagnostic aided by reconstruction error for accurate enumeration of the number of components in PARAFAC models,” Proceedings of IEEE International Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2013, Vancouver, Canada, 26-31 May 2013.

[229] K. Liu, J. P. C. L. Costa, H.C. So, F. Roemer, L. Huang, and R. T. Sousa Jr, “On the use of order selection rules for accurate parameter estimation in threshold region,” Proceedings of 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Marrakech, Morocco, Sept. 2013.

[230] C. Qian, and L. Huang, “A low-complexity Nyström-based algorithm for array subspace estimation,” IEEE International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC), Harbin, China, Dec. 2013.

[231] K. Liu, H. C. So and L. Huang, “A multi-dimensional model order selection criterion with improved identifiability,” Proceedings of IEEE International Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2012, Kyoto, Japan, 25-30 March 2012.

[232] L. Huang and S. Wu, “High-resolution direction finding for MIMO radar systems without eigendecomposition,” IEEE International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC), Beijing, China, Oct. 2012, pp. 941-944.

[233] L. Huang, T. Long and E. Mao, “Estimation of the Number of Sources by Using an MMSE-based MDL Criterion without Eigendecomposition,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing System, 2009 (ICSPS 2009), 15-17 may 2009, Singapore.

[234] L. Huang, T. Long and E. Mao, “Robust estimation of the number of sources using an MMSE-based MDL method,” Proceedings of the IET International Radar Conference 2009, 20-22, April 2009, Guilin, China (Won best paper award).

[235] L. Huang, L. Cai, X. Li and S. Wu, “Recursion Subspace-based Method for Bearing Estimation,” Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications. September 23-27, 2007, Chengdu, China.

[236] L. Huang, S. Wu and L. Zhang, “Low-complexity ESPRIT method for direction finding,” Proceedings of IEEE International Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005 (ICASSP '05), Pennsylvania, PA, USA, March 18-23, 2005.

[237] L. Huang, S. Wu and L. Zhang, “A novel MUSIC algorithm for direction-of-arrival estimation without the estimate of covariance matrix and Its eigendecomposition,” Proceedings of IEEE 61st Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC Spring-2005), Clarion Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden, May 30-June 1, 2005.

[238] L. Huang, S. Wu, and L. Zhang, “Angle estimation via a computationally efficient SSF method,” Proceedings of IEEE 61st Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC Spring-2005), Clarion Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden, May 30 – June 1, 2005.

[239] L. Huang, S. Wu and L. Zhang, “Low-complexity method of weighted subspace fitting for direction estimation,” Proceedings of IEEE International Radar Conference 2005, Washington, DC, USA, May 9-12, 2005.

[240] L. Huang, L. Zhang and S. Wu, “A new method for noise subspace estimation based on the spatial smoothing Lanczos algorithm,” Proceedings of IEEE APS2004, Monterey, CA, USA, pp. 3689-3692, June 2004.

[241] L. Huang, W. Yuan, L. Zhang and S. Wu, “Direction-of-arrival estimation via the multi-stage wiener filter,” Proceedings of International Conference on Radar Systems 2004, Toulouse, France, Oct. 2004.

(IV) 授权专利

1. 黄磊,赵博,基于多接收机等距直角分布的SAR欺骗干扰方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201510833068.2),已授权

2. 黄磊,王佳佳,黄敏,郭重涛,孙维泽,张沛昌,张基宏,一种时变信道下二进制相移键控信号均衡处理方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201510828000.5),已授权

3. 黄磊,李强,张基宏,黄敏,孙维泽,郭重涛,何春龙,一种基于导向矢量迭代校正的稳健波束形成方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201610121675.0),已授权

4. 黄磊,李强,张基宏,张沛昌,廖斌,赵博,周汉飞,导向矢量失配下的机载雷达稳健空时波束形成方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201610122010.1),已授权

5. 张沛昌,黄磊,李强,李冠群,林康成,裴灿,一种高精度的室内定位系统,实用新型 (专利号: 201720336858.4),已授权

6. 黄磊,刘超文,何春龙,张沛昌,孙维泽,张策,智能家居生态系统,实用新型 (专利号: 201621352960.5),已授权

7. 张沛昌,黄磊,孙维泽,何春龙,李强,黄敏,王一波,杨丽鲜,一种全双工LoRa网关,实用新型 (专利号: 201721571508.2),已授权

8. 张沛昌,黄磊,孙维泽,何春龙,李强,黄敏,王一波,杨丽鲜,一种基于LoRa的便携式联网辅助设备,实用新型 (专利号: 201721571209.9),已授权

9. 赵博,黄磊,黄敏,李强,周汉飞,张基宏,基于微分特征增强的SAR欺骗干扰目标标识方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201610587654.8),已授权

10. 赵博,黄磊,张亮,廖斌,何春龙,张沛昌,一种基于动态孔径的SAR虚假目标干扰抑制方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201611040047.6),已授权

11. 赵博,黄磊,黄敏,李强,周汉飞,张亮,一种基于一比特采样的SAR欺骗干扰产生方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201710051048.9),已授权

12. 黄磊,李强,孙维泽,何春龙,周汉飞,赵博,王一波,用于卫星导航RTK发射电台的抗干扰定位方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201611122145.4),已授权

13. 张沛昌、王派虎、黄磊、蒋隽毅、王一波、罗泉、许家俊、罗焕聪,土壤监测系统,实用新型 (专利号: 201821999818.9),已授权

14. 张沛昌、罗泉、黄磊、金帆、王一波、王派虎、许家俊、岳鹏飞、庄春生,森林防火报警系统,实用新型 (专利号: 201920045410.6),已授权

15. 赵博、黄磊、孙维泽、何春龙、张沛昌,一种基于单频时变阈值的一比特回波数据采集方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201810311069.4),已授权

16. 何春龙,陈文亮,黄磊,李兴泉,刘超文,赵博,一种基于集中式MIMO系统的能量效率管理方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201610812092.2),已授权

17. 黄磊,袁伟健,赵博,谢晓宇,易程博,潘天伦,侯万幸,基于LoRa的无人机载雷达数据传输装置及传输系统,实用新型 (专利号: 202020132587.2),已授权

18. 黄磊,黄聪,赵博,杨广玉,查林,一种宽带雷达回波的去斜一比特采集方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 202010587048.2),已授权

19. 赵博,潘天伦,黄磊,黄聪,王浩瑱,包为民,一种基于一比特量化的SAR动目标检测方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 202010430801.7),已授权

20. 黄磊,林卓翔,赵博,潘天伦,侯万幸,一种一比特SAR回波数据的处理方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201910453624.1),已授权

21. 赵博、侯万幸、黄磊、易程博、谢晓宇、袁伟健、潘天伦,高斯1比特混合干扰信号生成方法、装置、设备及介质,发明专利 (专利号: 202010050278.5),已授权

22. 黄磊、侯万幸、赵博、潘天伦、谢晓宇、易程博、袁伟健,1比特混合干扰信号生成方法、装置、设备及介质,发明专利 (专利号: 202010050224.9),已授权

23. 赵博、谢晓宇、黄磊、袁伟建、易程博、侯万幸、潘天伦,调频连续波雷达的成像方法、装置及成像系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201911277629.X),已授权

24. 李强,黄磊,黄敏,张亮,张沛昌,王一波,一种基于阵列天线的欠定相位恢复方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201810352162.X),已授权

25. 李强,黄磊,斐灿,黄敏,赵博,张亮,周汉飞,一种基于阵列天线的相位恢复方法方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201810649913.4),已授权

26. 李强,黄磊,周汉飞,赵博,孙维泽,许景新,一种基于频率分集阵列天线的波束控制方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201810352129.7),已授权

27. 黄磊,李冠群,张沛昌,孙维泽,李强,王一波,利用深度数据构建约束相关滤波器的视觉跟踪方法、系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201811313969.9),已授权

28. 黄敏,黄磊,查林,杨广玉,赵博,张沛昌,基于角度及频率域滤波的似然MUSIC低仰角估计方法,发明专利 (专利号: 202010046287.7),已授权

29. 张沛昌,罗焕聪,黄磊,许家俊,蒋隽毅,一种基于深度学习的天线选择方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201811503785.9),已授权

30. 黄磊,张亮,包为民,廖桂生,罗丰,孙维泽,张沛昌,多量测压缩感知的感知矩阵构建方法、系统及存储介质,发明专利 (专利号: 201810834491.8),已授权

31. 张沛昌,王一波,黄磊,蒋隽毅,罗泉,王派虎,许家俊,罗焕聪,一种基于SX1280的广域物联网节点定位方法及其系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201811480636.5),已授权

32. 黄磊,张亮,包为民,廖桂生,罗丰,孙维泽,张沛昌,多量测压缩感知的感知矩阵构建方法、系统及存储介质,发明专利 (专利号: 201810835914.8),已授权

33. 张沛昌,罗泉,黄磊,蒋隽毅,李强,王派虎,许家俊,基于LoRa的图片传输方法、装置及计算机设备,发明专利 (专利号: 201911241926.9),已授权

34. 张沛昌,罗泉,黄磊,金帆,王一波,王派虎,许家俊,岳鹏飞,庄春生,农业环境监测系统,实用新型 (专利号: 201920045403.6),已授权

35. 黄敏,黄磊,张沛昌,孙维泽,张基宏,包为民,一种基于稀疏贝叶斯学习的载波频偏处理方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201810708414.8),已授权

36. 何春龙;尹佳佳;黄磊;张沛昌;孙维泽;李兴泉,一种基于广播信道的分布式天线能量效率优化方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201610152989.7),已授权(转让)

37. 张沛昌,杨丽鲜,黄磊,张基宏,大规模MIMO二层用户导向选择方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201810182495.2),已授权

38. 张沛昌,黄磊,孙维泽,何春龙,李强,黄敏,王一波,杨丽鲜,一种低复杂度的天线选择方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201711001190.9),已授权

39. 张沛昌,黄磊,孙维泽,何春龙,许家俊,王一波,杨丽鲜,罗泉,一种多天线物联网信息传输方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201711093713.7),已授权

40. 张沛昌,黄磊,孙维泽,何春龙,李强,黄敏,王一波,杨丽鲜,一种基于MIMOLoRa信号传输方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201711173143.2),已授权

41. 黄磊,侯万幸,赵博,潘天伦,谢晓宇,易程博,袁伟健,混合干扰信号生成方法、装置、设备及介质,发明专利 (专利号: 202010050278.5),已授权

42. 赵博,谢晓宇,黄磊,袁伟健,易程博,潘天伦,侯万幸,雷达信号目标角度检测方法、装置、计算机设备及介质,发明专利 (专利号: 202010543685.X),已授权

43. 黄磊,王浩瑱,赵博,侯万幸,蒯成玲,包为民,一种基于1比特量化的多目标欺骗干扰方法及装置,发明专利 (专利号: 202010555834.4),已授权

44. 赵博,侯万幸,黄磊,易程博,谢晓宇,袁伟健,潘天伦,混合干扰信号生成方法、装置、设备及介质,发明专利 (专利号: 202010050278.5),已授权

45. 黄磊,田松雪,孙维泽,黄敏,一种快速搭建鲁棒性声学模型的方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201910953684.X),已授权

46. 廖斌,郭重涛,黄磊,杨丽鲜,黄辉平,王佳佳,一种基于确定和不确定集约束的波束形成方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201610239510.3),已授权

47. 黄磊,蒋双,肖宇航,石运梅,基于贝叶斯信息准则的信源数估计方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201610239510.3),已授权

48. 黄磊,石运梅,尤琳,王永华,一种3轴交叉阵列的DOA估计方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201610239510.3),已授权

49. 蒋双,黄磊,钱诚,石运梅,无需信源数信息的联合估计到达角-频率的方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201610239510.3),已授权

50. 黄磊,石运梅,王永华,尤琳,用于信号处理的收缩线性和收缩广义线性复最小二乘算法,发明专利 (专利号: 201610239510.3),已授权

51. 钱诚,黄磊,蒋双,杨云川,一种双基地MIMO雷达角度的估计方法,发明专利 (专利号: 201610239510.3),已授权

52. 黄磊,李蓉娴,基于特征值的多天线盲频谱感知方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201610239510.3),已授权

53. 黄磊,钱诚,杨云川,低复杂度的DOA估计方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201610239510.3),已授权

54. 黄磊,李蓉娴,一种基于超几何体体积频谱感知的方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201610239510.3),已授权

55. 钱诚,黄磊,蒋双,杨云川,黄敏,无需信源数估计的相干信号波达方向估计方法及系统,发明专利 (专利号: 201610239510.3),已授权

56. 软件著作权人:深圳大学,软件名称:多级维纳滤波分解的快速测角系统,登记号:2021SR0710234,完成时间:2021225

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